You've probably heard by now that mobile phones have a 40th birthday this week. As they've gone from bricks to sleek and smart; from simple texts to immersive experiences; from occasional use to human sensors. It's been an interesting trip. In addition to the typical things you might see on a timeline about mobile (1983 -the first commercially available mobile phone released. 1990 to 2011 -mobile phone subscriptions grow from 12 million to 6 billion ... actually, Wikipedia has a pretty comprehensive page that you don't need me to repeat here.) our mighty BYOD solutions team created a timeline graphic with some other interesting events:
First time a mobile phone was used on Saved By The Bell? First time you could run a WebEx meeting on an iPhone? First time the Pope tweeted? All that and more, below.
For a more in-depth review of the importance of this anniversary, you should check out Bob Friday's Looking Beyond the Mobile Phone. You'll get his perspectives on how mobility is evolving and what this means for the Internet of Everything and the network of tomorrow.
BTW: Want to use this infographic on your blog? Just link back here and you can use this code:
<a href=> <img src="" alt="The Wow of Mobility" width="500
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