Broad injunction in case against BTV set-top-boxes against different kind of intermediaries
13 ноября 2023 г
New York District Court Judge awards$6.6 million in damages to the plaintiffs in case against BTV set-top boxes. The recent case led by a group of right holders in the USA was on the grounds of illegal broadcasting of their programming. Apart from the positive judgement for right holders, this case is important due to the broad injunction granted against any third party whose services are used in connection to this illegal activity. This injunction can be enforced on any third party such as back-end service providers, routing providers, CDN (content delivery network), Internet service providers (ISPs), domain name systems (DNS), and even social media platforms; requiring them to stop services that support illegal activity. This will be an important tool for right holders since their efforts nowadays are more focused on co-operating with intermediaries while fighting online piracy.