Woo hoo!
MPI 3.1 votes: aside from one organization who had the leave before the final vote, the MPI Forum unanimously voted to approve MPI-3.1.
Get your fresh, hot copy of the MPI-3.1 specification (I'm told that physical books will become available in the coming months for those who are interested - can you guess what color the books will be?).
MPI-3.1 is mainly a bug fix release. Here's a brief list of what has changed since MPI-3.0:
- Added address addition/subtraction operators (MPI_AINT_ADD / MPI_AINT_DIFF)
- Defined several thread query functions to always be thread safe (e.g., MPI_INITIALIZED)
- Added same_disp_unit info key for RMA operations
- Add several clarifications about the MPI_T tools interface
- Various fixes for the mpi_f08 bindings:
- Fixed all the problems regarding the use of BIND(C)
- Specify the types of Remove INTENT information from MPI_{COMM|TYPE|WIN}_{DUP|NULL_COPY|NULL_DELETE}_FN(MPI_Status) derived type members
- Fix the flag argument type for MPI_IMPROBE
- Fix the newcomm argument in MPI_COMM_IDUP
- Fix the comm and ierr arguments in MPI_COMM_SET_INFO
- Fix resultlen argument in MPI_GET_LIBRARY_VERSION
- Fixed definitions and specifications of the PMPI profiling interface
- Clarify uses of virtual graph topologies in neighborhood collectives
- Clarify usage of same_size info key with windows
- Clarify use of MPI_NO_OP and other roles issues with MPI_GET_ACCUMULATE
- Added missing MPI_CONVERSION_FN_NULL in annexes
Brought to you by:

-The MPI 3.1 Forum