Cisco employees, who also happen to be women technologists, are gearing up to attend/speak/participate in the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in October. During the conference, upcoming women technologists will be receiving lots of career advice.
Some members of the Cisco WISE employee resource organization (Women in Science and Engineering) are already prepared. Their advice works not only for women in technology, but for all technologists.
- Never give up.You've worked so hard and don't let it stop you from reaching your goal.-Cisco IT Analyst Sabina Chaudhuri
- Network.This is how I got into Cisco. -Cisco Software Engineer Sharmila Palani
- Believe in yourself. Understand your capabilities and do not be afraid of exploring new opportunities. -Sr. IT Engineer Noela Botelho
- Be yourself and SPEAK UP! -Cisco Software Engineer Dena Madhwani
- Be confident, be passionate, achieve!-Cisco Manager Software Development Engineering Nita Laad
- Never give up on your dreams. -Cisco Software Engineer Rehka Rawat
- Be Fearless!-Cisco Software Engineer Avni Baveja-(who came to Cisco through a previous Grace Hopper event!)
- Pay it forward-all of the Cisco WISE members share a passion for inspiring the next generation of women in tech. Cisco Software Engineer Sheetal Bhogale says " We NEED to see more women in Technology." And Cisco Software Engineer Rimu Bhardwaj, says "Cisco has a wide variety of fields that people can work in. It is hip and has lots of perks! Cisco is definitely cool!"
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Cisco's WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) group shows why they chose Cisco.

MORE Cisco WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) members show why they chose Cisco.