This|blog|is authored byAdrienne Moherek, Cisco Engineering Technical Leader I'll be delivering a live talk for Girls in Tech on November 17 at 2:00pm CT, and I'm so nervous! I've worked hard on it, and it's personal. So - I reall...
When the pandemic hit, the shift to remote work happened almost overnight. But it was just the beginning of a journey toward hybrid work that is transforming work as we know it. It's a change that, I believe, will have profound im...
Part 1 of the Series: AI-Enhanced Infrastructure for AI Ops. If you ask yourself which are the biggest challenges that your IT model should address, endless answers will surely come to your mind. But the majority will find a commo...
The statistics on homelessness are hard to ignore. More than 20 percent of the world's population -1.6 billion people -lack adequate housing. In the United States, more than a half million people are experiencing homelessness on a...
We've all seen how the global pandemic has accelerated IT trends that were already well underway. To stay competitive, many are turning to digital transformation as the strongest path forward. In a recent Cisco-commissio...
Digital Rights Watch has defended social media platforms and their efforts to remove online abhorrent violent material, telling an Australian parliamentary committee that companies should not be expected to be always aware of all ...
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Wednesday announced its new Blueprint for Critical Technologies [PDF], which is a strategy aimed at protecting and promoting critical technologies, with quantum technology to be at ...
Following promises of a more sustainable 11.11 Global Shopping Festival this year, Alibaba has reported the company reduced the use of computing resources during the annual event by 50% for every 10,000 transactions compared to la...
Artificial intelligence technologies have reached impressive levels of adoption, and are seen as a competitive differentiator. But there comes a point when technology becomes so ubiquitous that it is no longer a competitive differ...
The Australian Labor Party has said that should it win government at the next election, it would be spending AU$2.4 billion to extend the existing NBN fibre to the node (FttN) upgrade plan to a further 1.5 million premises...
The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has announced that its distributed ledger technology (DLT) as-a-service platform is now live. Known as Synfini -- which the ASX claims is a name that blends synchronisation and infinite pos...
An early stage haptic glove research prototype from Reality Lab. Image: Meta Meta, formerly Facebook, on Tuesday showcased a prototype haptic glove designed for AR/VR that it has been developing for the past seven yea...