Communities' Interest in Broadband Broadband expansion, particularly to rural and underserved areas, is a priority for nations and local communities around the world. They are funding large and small telecommunications companies a...
If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that the old adage is true: necessity truly is the mother of invention. It's also shown us that when we work together, not only can we adapt, but we can overcome challenges and even achieve thi...
I was intrigued to learn that certain coyotes and badgers team up while hunting. If the prey runs fast,the coyote takes the lead. If the prey dives underground, it's the badger's department. IT and OT can take note. They share a c...
More than ever, we, Cisco, believe in the power of technology to solve global problems. In recent history, never have we been more in need of innovative technology solutions that positively impact nearly every aspect of society. F...
Within our Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE) 3.0 release, we started talking about dynamic visibility. But what is dynamic visibility, what are the benefits, and why should we care? Maybe we should begin with what it is not. Dyn...
Dedicated RF Engine offloads operations for higher performance and better analytics You might have heard me screaming from the LinkedIn and Twitter mountaintops about how honored Cisco and the Cisco Wireless team are to have Cisco...
If you haven't heard yet, Cisco recently released a new Catalyst access point, the Catalyst 9105 AP. It's a revolutionary product that is a solution for small to medium-sized organizations. The sleek Cisco Catalyst 9105 Access Po...
In 2020, we felt the world slow down and speed up, all at once. We stayed home but worked more. We ground to a halt and began to transform. And we watched automation change everything. COVID accelerates the pace of these changes t...
Small businesses are constantly under pressure to increase efficiency wherever possible. And failing to do so can have disastrous consequences. If 2020 has shown us anything it's that when the environment takes surprising turns, a...
Ihave often wondered why people celebrated their40th asa milestonebirthday.Itwas only afterIwas ontheother side ofthis day could I understandwhy-not only doesyour40th birthdaycelebrate the fact thatyou are getting olderandwiser,bu...
AWS re:Invent is Amazon Web Services' annual cloud user conference and one of the biggest events in the cloud space. Now in its ninth year, re:Invent will be entirely virtual, with an anticipated attendance of ...
Huawei's Customers Win Three World Smart City Awards and Three Nominations at the 2020 Smart City Expo World Congress Nov 19, 2020 [Shanghai, China, November 19, 2020] On November 18th, at the 10th Smart City Expo ...