By further aligning Sales and Marketing, Cisco can drive growth and better serve customers. When our Chief Marketing Officer Karen Walker announced she would be moving on several months ago, we set out on a global search for her r...
The year has almost closed, and the results are in
Why would anyone want to run applications on their network switches? It starts with acknowledging just how much data we are all dealing with.Massive.That data needs to be collected and analyzed so that it can be acted upon.Faster....
When my children were younger, the first sign of summer
Thist post was written by Cisco Sales intern Anna Xu. As a first-year college student studying Computer Science, life and internships have two very particular things in common for me
As you may have seen, here at DevNet we were super excited to launch our new certifications track at Cisco LIVE! in San Diego. You can read all about the launch in Susie Wee
By now you most likely already know the benefits of implementing a software-defined WAN (SD-WAN). It
According to a recent study by IDC, the IT leasing and financing market is forecasted to reach$260.3 billion by 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7%. This may come as a surprise since financing has traditionally be...
As I mentioned in my previous blog, pluggable optics (aka optical transceivers) are widely deployed inside the data center, campus, enterprise, or service provider central office. The Cisco Global Cloud Index estimates that total ...
This blog post was written by Cisco Security intern Andrea Youwakim. During previous internships, I felt like a small cog in a big machine
For those of us in security operations, it could be easy to feel discouraged. After all, it
The next step in the U.S. Department of Defense