Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between June 1 and June 15. As with previous round-ups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the th...
Passage of the CLOUD Act in the U.S. and the subsequent dismissal of the "Ireland Warrant" litigation raises two important questions. First, does the law grant sweepingnew powers to reach data stored abroad? The reality is th...
It's amazing how far we've come in 10 years... Back in 2007, a group of Cisco executives gathered to discuss how Cisco might tap into the sports and entertainment business. The group of 15 self-identified sports fanatics recognize...
Cisco Live! US was different for our Service Provider Business this year. We showcased how Enterprises and Service Providers -anyone with critical infrastructure requirements -can reinvent their networks with intelligent, mass-sca...
Cisco Live just wrapped this week, and we had a lot of great conversations with customers who are looking to evolve their manufacturing operations and achieve an "ultimate state." Many of these conversations revolved around how to...
A Chicago area school district knew their technology wasn't making good grades. Their data center and Wi-Fi systems were too old to keep up with new teaching styles. Students were working on laptops that often couldn't connect, an...
Webex has come a long way. We recently unpacked a lot of great innovation in the new meetings experience. The great thing about Webex Meetings is that it's a full video and content-sharing cloud solution that you can join via desk...
Whether you're a clinician or an executive, the healthcare workforce experience can be equal parts rewarding and challenging. There are changing regulations. A never-ending stream of patients with time-sensitive needs. The pressur...
Yes, the wrap-up of Wednesday's Cisco Live happenings is a little behind schedule. With most of my scheduled sessions complete, I spent more of Wednesday in the World of Solutions to check out the Cisco demonstrations and see...
525,600 minutes. An iconic Broadway anthem immortalized this number as the total number of minutes in a year. At Cisco, we have spent many of these last 525,600 minutes developing, innovating and working together with ...
Talos is disclosing two denial-of-ervice vulnerabilities in Pixar's Renderman application. Renderman is a rendering application used in animation and film production. It is widely used for advanced rendering and shading in many la...
When a nascent technology starts to take off, people talk about the inventors as "pioneers," evoking pictures of rough-and-tumble loners going it alone. But when it comes to developing a distributed ledger technology like blockcha...