Oneweek before I celebrated myveryfirst Ciscoversary, theworld changed.Ourteams inIsrael, likemany at Cisco and acrossthe globe, faced a new reality: workingentirelyfrom home. Many of my Cisco colleagues worked remotely prio...
As various private organizations and high-value government bodies figure out the blast radius of the recent state-sponsored SolarWinds attack, with Cisco Endpoint Security Analytics (CESA) in your toolkit you could quickly assess ...
Background The SUNBURST trojan and backdoor, as dubbed by FireEye researchers, that has compromised multiple U.S. Government systems recently, highlights the complexity and connectedness of the modern enterprise IT environment as ...
The world is seeing an explosion of data growth. There are countless data-generating devices, digitized video and audio content, and embedded devices such as RFID tags and smart vehicles that have become our new global norm. Cisco...
Do|you|have a New Year's resolution? Have you been telling yourself that you need to get started with learning network automation? If you are like me the New Year brings new motivation not just to lose weight, but to learn somethi...
As we begin the new year, we are optimistic about our global fight against the coronavirus pandemic. With vaccines starting to be deployed around the world and our healthcare workers seeing critical relief on the horizon, we are h...
Co-authored by Chris Prendergast, SAP Much is made of how the online shopping experience can be customized to the individual, such as making recommendations based on previous purchases or online searches. But what about personaliz...
In this installment of our2021 Networking Trendsblog series, we discussTrend#3 -Facilitating multicloud for greater resilience Networking after a disruption If you've ever been through a natural disaster, once things start ...
The Wide Area Network (WAN) took off in 1997 when Cisco introduced the 2500 Series Routers. That was a humble beginning, with just under 5 Mbps of routing capacity while the actual circuits, at the time, were in Kbps. The importan...
In no other time in history have remote work, learning and home entertainment been more important. A record setting$100B was spent globally on applications across Apple's App Stores and Google Play in 2020. According to IDC, by th...
A new operating model for state and local government leaders is emerging as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's transforming the delivery of citizen services and engagement in ways that will accelerate resiliency in government...
Undoubtedly, weare all excitedandoptimisticto usherin thenew year witha focusonhealthand prosperity.Many ofusare hopeful that thepace of digital disruption forced upon us in 2021 will bear fruits blossoming into new revenue stream...