Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between January 8 and January 15. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize ...
Many of you are familiar with the 40G BiDi pluggable optic, but did you know that the 40G CSR can serve similar use cases and is sometimes an attractive alternative? Written by Craig Pasek, Product Manager, Cisco OpticsAs network...
As you jump on your brand-new exercise equipment to celebrate a newer version of yourself in this new year, I'm reminded of this idea of building some new muscle -for ourselves personally and perhaps even as a business. Moving int...
Next week we will publish our third annual "Defending Against Critical Threats" report; a roundup of some the most impactful cyber attacks from the past 12 months. Included in the publication are articles about how cyber criminals...
Huawei Recognized as a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers' Choice for Data Center and Cloud Networking with the Highest Rating Jan 15, 2021 [Shenzhen, China, January 15, 2021] Huawei, a leading global provider of...
As organizations migrate some of their applications, workloads and data to the cloud, ensuring the appropriate security and controls are in place remains top of mind. To protect these workloads in both virtualized data center...
The impact of 2020 2020 was a year we all were more than happy to finally put behind us. Between COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdowns, manufacturing was one of the hardest hit industries, with over$1 trillion lost (Source: IDC's ...
In 2020, one common theme that we have seen amongst businesses big and small was the building of resilient networks. The new normal has accelerated digitization many folds and organizations are navigating how they leverage advance...
The dawn of any new year is met with optimism, fanfare, and celebration. With our world under pressure from the global pandemic and social unrest, the arrival of 2021 holds greater importance and potential for a fresh start and ne...
At Cisco, it has long been our belief that when it comes to security, simplified and integrated is better. I've written a number of blogs about this lately, and I know what some of you are thinking: "Multi-product platform solutio...
Over the last couple of years, we've seen relentless growth in the consumption of Software as a Service (SaaS) and overlay offers in both the consumer and business markets. The movement started much earlier, but from a Telco persp...
Introducing Cisco DNA Center Integration with Umbrella Cisco Umbrella provides the first line of defense against threats on the internet wherever users go. Umbrella delivers complete visibility into internet activity across all lo...