For the past 10+ years, IT teams have been focused on consolidating workloads within small numbers of modern, virtualized datacenters and public clouds, but the concept of edge computing is the complete opposite of that. Deploying...
|--|Dockerfile`--|app `-- hello.cYou are probably using containers for your development work (and if you aren't -you should really consider it). They behave so close to having a customized virtual machine, with a...
The following is an excerpt from the 2020 CSR Impact Report. Cisco's networking, security, collaboration, and cloud solutions help secure and protect the lifeblood of the global economy. More than 80 percent of the world's we...
AV-Comparatives named Cisco a Strategic Leader in its EPR report Cisco Secure Endpoint (previously AMP for Endpoints) was named a Strategic Leader by AV -Comparatives in the Endpoint Prevention and Response (EPR) CyberRisk Quadran...
Co-Authored by Fabio Hashimoto, Logicalis Insider threats-such as credential theft, criminal insiders, or even negligent employees-are growing dramatically and represent enormous risks for all companies. This is true around the wo...
This just in. The sixth annual#WeAreCisco#LoveWhereYouWork employee photo contesthas officially launched! It's one of our favorite times of the year because we get to adventure with you, meet your kids, pets, spouses (oh, and eve...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between January 15 and January 22. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize...
Take back control with an integrated security platform In a makeshift SOC in the corner of his home, Matt starts his day with an alarm going off on his computer. There are four monitors...
Many|customers|are starting to look at third party tools such as Terraform and Ansible to deploy and manage their infrastructure and applications. In this five-part series we'll introduce Terraform and understand how it's used wit...
Welcome to 2021, the year our distributors and their partners fulfill a grand promise I have been preaching throughout my multiple decades at Cisco. Digital transformation for small and mid-sized businesses offers an inherent oppo...
In cybersecurity, nation states, cyber criminals, hacktivists, and rogue employees are the usual suspects. They fit nicely into categories like external attackers or insider threats. But what about our essential suppliers, partner...
Customer Perspectives Migrating applications from brick-and-mortar data centers to the cloud can present formidable challenges for any enterprise. But the stakes are highest for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution provider...