As George Box noted several decades ago, "All Models are essentially wrong, but some are useful". The work of statistical analysis, and its modern day derivatives of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, continue to be bold at...
Here's something we can all celebrate this week -Washington policymakers are taking the first step to increase Wi-Fi's capacity as we move toward a hyper-connected era. Today, Wi-Fi represents nearly$2 trillion in global economic ...
It gives me great pleasure today to officially welcome Shawn Tylka into the Cable TV Pioneers Class of 2018. I've known Shawn for over 20 years -since before either of us had a real job, as we like to joke! -and for that reason, I...
New Digital Horizons. Connect. Create. Innovate. #CiscoIMC2018: This week I'm excited to be a part of India Mobile Congress, one of the world's biggest, most prestigious shows on all things mobile and beyond. India Mobile Congress...
Written in collaboration with John Moran, Senior Product Manager, DFLabs When a security incident occurs, it is unlikely that the entire scope and chain of events will be obvious from the outset. More often, it is a single indicat...
To deliver powerful, intent-based networking, you have to have a solid infrastructure foundation that offers consistent performance, ease of use, and no compromise in security. Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR) platforms trul...
Sometimes the biggest impact comes from the simplest, sweetest offer. How does one become Chief Stroopwafel Officer at Cisco? For me, it was a position I already owned. My mentors have always taught me that my personal brand is i...
Many of the IT bloggers I know write as a way to help others. They spend their free time writing (and podcasting) to share their insights and analysis on technical topics. They write when they finally solve a problem they couldn't...
Webex|Teams|REST APIs and SDKs are easy to use on their own, but you cansuper-charge your collaboration integration projectby leveraging this growing collection of community generated code, libraries, tools and links lovingly cura...
This post was written by guest blogger Faith Lin, Community Relations Manager at Cisco. Pro Bono is a fancy term for donating your unique skill set - as an engineer, program manager, salesperson, and more - to partner with nonpro...
Bandwidth consumption remains on a steady, never-ending rise. Subscribers now value their high-speed data service more than any other, including video. Based on subscriber bandwidth demand, many cable access networks built years a...
The astute among you may recall that just a few months ago -specifically, at the ANGA conference in June -we announced a new Cloud Native Broadband Router, the cnBR, aimed at making the industry's CCAP deployments radically more f...