As Cisco's chief marketing officer, an important part of my role is to build and maintain the trust of Cisco's customers.In fact, "brand promise" ultimately relies upon the trust consumers have placed in a brand. Customers wh...
On October 7, 2013 Cisco completed the acquisition of Sourcefire. At that time, I recognized this via Twitter and checked out the products on their website. I was excited to see the FirePOWER in action together with a Cisco ASA. I...
Educators are using technologies like Cisco Webex to deliver anytime, anywhere learning, bring experts from across the country and the globe into their classrooms, and provide ubiquitous access to an astounding amount of resources...
Photo by Alan LightRemember when moustaches were cool? For those who weren't paying attention, it was back in the 1980s when Tom Selleck-sporting that signature facial hair-ruled the T.V. airwaves as private investigator Magnum, P...
New year predictions generally take one of several forms: broad generalizations about multi-year trends, guesses about what might happen, or overviews of recent events disguised as predictions. The first is too easy, the seco...
The Cisco Enterprise Mobility group uses this mobility blog as a platform to provide you the most up-to-date information about our products and solutions, showcasing our thought-leadership in the mobility industry and innovative a...
When you hear a statistic like '87 % of enterprises believe that analytics will redefine the competitive landscape of their industries within the next three years,' two things become clear. First, we no longer need to make the bus...
Happy New Year! As I return from the holidays and begin the year ahead, I'm energized and excited about all the amazing accomplishments we achieved with WebEx in 2014. Many recollections come to mind that I'd like to share with yo...
A recent blog from Sungard AS, Stretch Your IT Dollar with Cloud Computing Services, offers more than just ideas on how cloud can extend your IT budget. It also covers ways organizations of all sizes can use cloud services s...
Welcome back from a restful holiday break, assuming you were able to take one. But, like many in manufacturing, you might not had too much time off. According to Industry Week and MAPI, the High Tech industry in particular i...
Last month, we proudly announced Connected Analytics for the Internet of Everything (IoE), easy-to-deploy software packages that bring analytics to data regardless of its location. It is a continued part of our commitment to deliv...
One of the hottest topics at NRF this week has been delivery systems. Recent research by Cisco Consulting has found that delivery is one of the top concerns of not only retailers, but of shoppers as well. I now have personal exper...