Are you still selling primarily to IT and seeing your revenues stagnate or decline? Are you looking for new opportunities to access line of business budgets? For years we've heard about budgets changing, and you've likely seen the...
Cisco Live Global 2021 kicks off globally in two weeks! Cisco Customer Experience (CX) is showing up intwo live broadcast keynotes, 48+ hours of technical broadcast contentto the150+ anytime sessions,and in even more opportunities...
The IETF's Discovery of Designated Resolvers The Domain Name System (DNS) has played a key role in the Internet's success. It was designed to be scalable and resilient to handle enormous growth. The DNS has also proven to be a str...
March 17, 2021 Dell Technologies Powers AI and Edge Computing with Next Generation PowerEdge Servers ...
"The eyes are the window to your soul." Hmmm. How about a new twist? Applications are the window to your business. Like windows, applications tempt thieves and prying eyes. Securing them can be paneful (ugh, sorry). But we've got ...
Our hyper-connected world Have you noticed how many smart devices you have connected to your home network lately? The other day, I stopped to count and realized that over the past year I've added over 50 different devices to my ho...
Most of the major smartphone manufacturers have now made the jump to 5G phones
Learning for all ages moved online overnight when Covid struck. Many students adapted incredibly well to this new environment while others struggled due to lack of access. This experience has taught us valuable lessons and it's fo...
When the pandemic forced many businesses into remote working models, this caused a lot of headaches for IT operations. While employees in the line of business have been adjusting to working from home, it's not like IT could just s...
Cisco employee, Maha Akkari, drawing with a child at a distribution eventLike many, I have searched for the meaning of life and the secret to happiness. As I grew to know myself, I discovered that helping others brings deep peace ...
As the nation emerges from the pandemic, new opportunities will emerge for community colleges. From reskilling the workforce to overcoming declining enrollment, educators must reconsider their approaches to learning. New methods f...
Privacy and security are in constant tension. Hiding internet activity strengthens privacy-but also makes it easier for bad actors to infiltrate the network. In fact, 63% of threats detected by Cisco Stealthwatch in 2019 were in e...