For years, the album that sold the most units was Carole King's "Tapestry". Estimates are that this record has sold more than 25 million copies. Rife with well-known songs, an interesting comment made by one of the initial reviewe...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between February 5 and February 12. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summariz...
Hello there. Andrew Sage here, welcoming our Distributors and 2T partners to 2021. Over a long year ago, when we began 2020, I resolved to help our distis and partners meet our mutual goals, and I asked all of you to help our cust...
We're always looking for the "quick wins" in security - whether it's the magic blinky box that you drop into the right place in your network and it stops all the bad stuff (let me know if you find one of those), or the secret inca...
If|you|haven't already seen the Introduction to Terraform post, please have a read through. This section will cover the Terraform Remote Backend using Terraform Cloud.??????? Introduction to Terraform Terraform and ACI??????? ...
2020 reminded us of the power of technology. In 2021, accelerating your customers' digital transformation will be key to your business success. Cisco has developed several Sales Plays to significantly enhance your ability to meet ...
Welcome to the 3rd in our series of IoT Roundtables -this time focusing on how IoT is helping schools alleviate disparities in virtual learning. We've all watched around the world as COVID-19 has put a spotlight on a challenge tha...
When was the last time you worried about your internet connection? Whether or not you had enough bandwidth to upload a large file to the cloud, download a presentation from a colleague, or stream your favorite show on Netflix? Whe...
Cisco Network Assurance Engine (NAE), a key pillar in Cisco's Intent based networking, is built on a strong foundation of open APIs that has enabled a broad ecosystem of partner-integrated solutions for automated, closed-loop inci...
With the industry cyber skills gap widening, it is the role of organizations like Cisco to help foster education and grow the next generation of talent in the communities that we live, work, and serve. The persistent and everchang...
If you had told me a year ago that I could work remotely, while also educating my children from home at the same time -I might've laughed at you. It's certainly not something I would've signed up for. But, with no say in the matte...
February 10, 2021 Dell Technologies launches Singapore tech skills accelerator initiative to empower 3,000 ...