The|author|of this blog is Kat McDivitt. Kat is a strategy and planning manager for Cisco DevCX. We've all heard about the learning curve -showing the relationship between time spent studying material and proficiency. The Learnin...
One of the so-called "big four" accounting firms in the World, PwC employs more than 284,000 people worldwide and provides a wide variety of financial services including audit, assurance, tax, and consulting. From their beginnings...
Huawei Receives the TSIA Rated Outstanding Assisted Support EMEA Re-Certification [Shenzhen, China, February 3, 2021] Huawei Enterprise has received the prestigious Rated Outstanding Assisted Support EMEA re-certi...
From the dictionary of Oxford: match
I am sharing this announcement filled with nostalgia of a remarkably successful era for the CiscoAireOS WLC and excitement for the multibillion-dollar opportunity that comes with the End of Sale/Life announcements. That's because ...
We have created a new blog series that will focus on thepeople behind Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Cisco. Each blog in this series will highlight a different Cisco employee who works closely with CSR initiatives across...
Co-authored with Sabrina Gonzalez As we move into the second month of 2021, the pandemic continues to create new risks and force transformation in education. Classrooms open and close. Students and educators grapple wit...
BT has been a close partner of Cisco for over 30 years - which is incredible when you consider how much the industry has changed during this time. In the last three decades, BT has successfully transformed itself from a traditiona...
Co-Authored by Sanjeev Desai, Cohesity In today's digital-first world where both data volume and cybercrime are on the rise, the partnership between Cohesity and Cisco is taking center stage as organizations look for innovat...
Introduction Moscow on the Hudson. There's one scene in that movie that sticks in my mind: Robin Williams in the grocery store buying coffee. Complete paralysis. So many options. What brand? What flavor? What size? What conta...
Photo by Jeno Uche Photography. I imagine, when Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 that his parents had no idea that ...
Australia is in the fortunate position of having COVID-19 largely under control. To use a relevant analogy for an Australian summer, thankfully, we are not dealing with a all-out bushfire but rather monito...